street fashion

MFWJ Part 2: “Why This Happens To Me Every Time on the Street.”

When you are a big fish in a little pond, it makes sense to have strange things happen to you when you are in public, but I’m am more like the odd fish in a little pond. Every time I’m shooting on the street I always get a random person wanting to take photos with me.

By no means is this a complaint. As scary and a little nerve wracking it starts out to be, after a while I’m reminded of the two things I asked God for.

The first thing is to never let me forget where I’ve come from. The second thing, never let me forget why I am doing this. For today’s post, the second request is key.

I made the mistake of not asking the man standing with me in this  feature photo for his name, however, he said the loudest thing to me and my friend, Tyree on that day. After the friendly hug and pose, as he  started to walk away he said something like, “It’s all about love ain’t? Cuz HE said we have to love everybody right?” We agreed and smiled as he walked backwards waiving good bye with a smile.

Thinking more of getting all the looks shot, we at another random encounter and then continued shooting. It was a moment brushed off. I thought the guy probably thought I was some local celebrity and just wanted to be in the photo just in case I was someone super important. Someone, whom he could say he met at a later date. Then I thought about what it was I felt when he happily hopped in the frame to take a picture with me, I thought, I must have entertained an angel unaware at that moment. The thought that, this is why I do this, rang in my mind.

No I don’t do it for the hugs per-se, but it’s because I want to use fashion to reach people. Style is one of the ways I identify with people. It’s how I make myself available to be used to connect with and help other people mentally, spiritually and maybe even financially. In that moment, I briefly thought we were taking an impromptu photo for his pleasure but in hindsight that brief moment was for me as well. A reminder of for who and why I am following my passion in writing about fashion and style.

To put it plainly, I want to use style to speak to folks with real identity and self value issues, both are realms I know well from living there.

So if you are on the street and you need a hug or just want to take a photo with me while I’m on style duty. Let’s go for it.

To check out the look from this featured post click here.