cropped jacket

3 Tips To Wearing A Cropped Jacket as Men’s Fashion

Cropped jackets are rare in menswear. That is if you only look in the nearest fashion retailer or popular online shop. Not that most guys want to even own a cropped jacket. However, if you are looking for a pretty fresh way to keep some variety in your wardrobe then as always I must say check out your local vintage store. Get a cropped jacket.

Here are three tips for wearing cropped jackets;

  1.  Focus on creating a silhouette  by not drawing too much attention to the separates. Cropped jackets are going to be cut right at your waist line or will fall above it. This will look odd enough as the standard for all tops is to fall below your waist line. The design draws attention to itself. So when wearing a cropped jacket choose articles that cling to the body. This makes the focus of the look all about your body. Less about what is the top and what is the bottom. In this case the cropped jacket looks more like a functional accessory rather than a the headliner to the entire ensemble.
  2. I prefer to wear my cropped jackets with a monochrome theme or somethings that easily and commonly coordinates. 
    Again, I don’t want to draw too much attention to the the jacket being cropped. I want to place the attention on the details of the imagery I’m serving. Try going with all black. I can show that I made a conscious choice about my fashion statement with attention to structure, accents and accessories. An obvious cropped jacket as the lone statement piece says, just notice that my jacket is short and the sleeves are long. Okay?
  3. For men, pair it with a turtleneck or stiff collar. This is the best option when keeping the first two tips in mind. A high collar or turtle neck will add to the idea of creating a silhouette and will decrease the noticablitily of the cropped jacket by making it blend even better. cropped jacket

Again the idea is not to hide that it is cropped jacket. Rather it is to give the impression that that wasn’t the only reason you have it on. These tips are about making the cropped jacket a feature not the star of the fashion show; especially when you add on the tassles that I apparently love so much.  I prefer the tassels to be the fun of the look. Not so much attention drawn to the fact that I’m a rebel by choosing  a short jacket.

Do you have any other outfit ideas for how to wear a cropped jacket for men?