Presenting what he calls “Fearless Fashion,” wardrobe stylist Madison Fields gives Charlotte a taste of his styling prowess. The show was called Urban Vogue.

“I chose Urban Vogue because it gave that urban street wear but also the high fashion feel. I mixed tuxedo shirts with bomber jackets, really short shorts with sweat shirts; just [a] really out of the box kinda thing,” Fields said.
In the featured gallery of photos you will find that the name of the show was perfect for what was on display, the current fashion trends in street wear on all types of bodies.
Set to a black and white color scheme, Fields shows off his knack for mixed medium and shows he knows the flares of street wear such as the hooded ponchos, mesh tanks, knee length socks and so many more trendy items of late.
It was a dope show with many style concepts to borrow, so if you ever need some help with your wardrobe or maybe you just feel like stunting on your next night out and need some style inspiration or help, check out Madison Fields on IG @dressmemadison or contact him for your next gig