This feature look was inspired by my favorite photo of Langston Hughes in the turtle neck and brimmed hat. The bust shot of Hughes always gave me that fancy sophisticated vibe that either calls for a jacket with lapels or something like a smokers jacket or better yet, a belted cardigan.

It’s that time of year when we celebrate trailblazers in the African American community. Since February 1st is Langston Hughes birthday, I used my favorite photo of him as inspiration.
Now, it wasn’t just this image of him that inspired this look. We know Hughes best for his contribution of poetry written in what we know as jazz rhythms. Jazz, a favorite genre of mine, is
the embodiment of sophistication and funk in music. It’s sophistafunk as Andre 3000 called it. All of that made me think of a smokers jackets. A very prominent item for the wealthy or leisurely man in the Renaissance period. The Renaissance era cannot be discussed without mentioning the poetic army man, Langston Hughes. So consider this post a style tribute to Langston Hughes, brim hats, and turtle necks.
So, back to the sophistafunky smokers jacket. I don’t have one of those but I asked myself what gives the same vibe as a smokers jacket, while being a great idea for outerwear in the late winter to spring months? A belted cardigan. Absolutely. Its warm like a sweater but, fitted like a jacket and belted to give it that extra ahhh like fine fancy robe.
The one in this featured look I found by chance a few years back. They are hard to find at an affordable price nowadays but I’m sure as an eclectic reader who loves consignment and thrift shops, you can find one somewhere near you pretty easily, round this time of year. Here are some online places that I found to be selling these must haves for the transition seasons.