I got to celebrate with Autumn-Joi, her birthday in song and video. That’s right I’m in a music video. It’s my first full face appearance on on the set of “Birthday Chick.”
This is definitely goals for me. K97.5’s midday personality, chose to broadcast her bday with a small music video where she gets to wrap lyrics written by Don Juan with the video shot and produced by her husband, The Six7Shootr. The video is pure fun.
No she’s not looking to go platinum or become a wrap as she states in the video. It’s just a manifestation of the fact that she likes to party and its #AquariusSeason. Also, it’s in celebration to maintaining a #number 1 listenership rating for middays in the 919 listening area code.
More importantly to me, I’m so thankful to AutumnJoi inviting me to be a part of this project. I’ve always thought it a “no no” to become friends with co-workers but first of all aquarians just get along. Secondly, I have no real reason to hold that thought and Autumn has definitely been a breeze to rock with from time to time. It’s an Aquarius thing for sure.
Shout to the to all of my fellow aquarians. BTW my birthday is Feb. 9th.
Enjoy the video below.