DEMODE, street fashion, streetwear, raleigh

TBT: The Demode Meetup From 2015

Parallel to the recent Street Style Meetup series that I’ve been working on, I am reminded of the first meet-up I went to. Demode, a local streetwear brand that has since gone national, hosted a hipster-type gathering. It was probably the first one done by a streetwear brand in Raleigh.

Whether or not it was the first meetup, it was when I first came to understand what type of customer/fan tends to showup to a gathering. While there was no intent to sell at this function, through networking conversation, you could gauge how many people with the idea to collab and support and/or buy would show up to a free event with really no draw. By no draw I mean, the location was in an open park, no food or drinks, no dj, no show just show up and we’ll see what happens on the strength of the brand that made the call. Maybe for many that could/would seem like a waste of time but it is at that point where you can at least find out who’s down to help you help them help you help them.

At that time I met a make-up model, a local rapper who’s now booking festivals, a t-shirt printer who’s also a photographer, and they among the hipsters met me, one of the very few male fashion bloggers from eastern NC.

Never the less, it was a good memory seeing that I’ve been hosting my own street style meet ups. And wouldn’t you know it,  I’ve been hosting them around the same season, 1 month a part.

Here is the story that I posted from that time.

At one point I had to remove the old photos as they were too large for my site and I didn’t know about automated photo crushing. See below for the photos from the Demode Meetup of 2015




